Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Real / Fake - the thin wall between the two variaties

Have you ever had the constant bother of having few real, true friends in life. Are you victimized by people who call themselves your friends.. but actually only remembers you when they need help ?

Well , this one's for you then...

I've never had at least one true friend in life.. Not One. It's a mere fact of looking for characteristics in other people and searching for selfless beings in the world. Sounds pretty ridiculous huh ? ;)

We all need different things in life..we all desire our own dreams and wishes... On our journey, we meet people with similar needs, similar thinking patterns and wishes. But no two persons in the world are identical.

So, whoever you call your true friend to be, there comes an instance where they might need a total different aspect in life when you require the opposite. Everyone is going through their own struggles in life..And Frankly, I think it's quite wrong and unjust to expect anything in return as a friend from our buddies.

Yes, I have besties..people who actually care about me and my worries as well as the happy occasion. But, I have one rule in life. Never trust anyone too much. Or expect too much..Because that little bit too much will always be a pain in your life..if you don't watch out!
 Therefore, I have refrained from looking for best friends, stopped "searching" for them.

My theory is pretty simple. Be nice to everyone. Help people when you can. Be compassionate and be the best friend you always wanted you to have in your life. And become your own best friend. Come on, everyone is selfish..if not, you'll see people everywhere , prepared to die for their friends.. Just think about it..Would they ?

The only being who's not selfish enough to betray your friendship is your own self. And the rest, consider as "good Friends". Do your best for them, but guard yourself. Be the best and kindest you can be, but also be kind to yourself. It's as much as important.

There are people in everyone's life, who only come to get some help. People who have friends in high places, wants to be the besties of famous ,influential people.  Man is indeed a social animal, and every one is attracted to beauty, talents and similar traits, even when you keep money and other petty materialistic thinking aside.  They come and go just like moths attached to light..and when the light dims, they look for another source.

You should be compassionate and help them but always know where to draw the line when it comes to trusting them too much.

Treat yourself well. :)

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